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Church, an instrument of progress

Original in Portuguese

From the October 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What would gradually draw people from many places to work together for more than a decade in order to establish a branch Church of Christ, Scientist? What would impel them to work together in a city where, prior to several years ago, Christian Science itself had not even been heard of?

Of course, there are many reasons why people would do this. Certainly love of God is central. Gratitude for Christian healing that has come to their lives through Christian Science plays an important part. Love for neighbors, caring for one's home and community, are factors as well. But the desire to be genuine followers of Christ Jesus and to follow his command to heal as he did is one of the strongest reasons for people to work together to establish a branch church. With such impetus, Christian healing is a goal that is gained through spiritual progress and growth.

Our own branch church began with just a handful who met together to read the Bible Lessons outlined in the Christian Science Quarterly. As more joined in, regular church services were organized. Originally these services were held on weekdays, but as it became clear that there was a need to serve the community more widely, weekly services were scheduled on Sundays. They have been held in homes, business offices, garages, and various public halls.

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