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Dear Reader,

From the October 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We're glad you've opened up this issue of The Christian Science  Journal—even if you've just done it out of curiosity! And if you've never looked at a copy of this magazine before, we hope you won't feel like a stranger. This Journal was written for you.

Now, maybe you're wondering how our writers could possibly know what you—or any of our readers—want to read about. Actually, most of our writers are our readers. They're not professional writers. They're Christian Scientists—people from all kinds of backgrounds and from all over the world. Readers from Brazil, Germany, and the United States are represented in this issue, for instance.

Readers sharing with readers is a longtime tradition in the Journal. Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science and launched this magazine, urged its readers to share their spiritual insights with one another. And when members of her Church wrote to her personally about their healings, she asked them to send these accounts instead to the Journal for publication.

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