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Testimonies of Healing

It's difficult to summarize in...

From the August 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It's difficult to summarize in a few paragraphs a lifetime of "adventures" as a Christian Scientist and to convey fully my sense of gratitude.

Perhaps what first comes to mind is the increased understanding of man's completeness and fulfillment I have gained through Science. This has required conscientious, prayerful work, but progress came with the realization that completeness comes from God, that it is not dependent on person, place, or thing. This spiritual effort has brought into my life more interesting and wonderful persons, places, and things than I ever could have imagined, even though that was not my goal.

Another cause for thankfulness is the growth in my understanding of man's true employment. In midlife, with little prior preparation and few material resources, I became my sole financial provider; but as I look back, it is truly wonderful to realize how caring and protective God was even when my understanding of Him as the source of all supply was still small.

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