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From the July 1993 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I've wanted to share this story with you for a couple of years now, and this seems like the perfect time to say thank you for what your vision and love for "all mankind" has wrought.

When my friend Mike first went to work at The Christian Science Publishing Society as a "nonmember" employee of the Church's broadcasting activities, he thought—as unbelievable as it may sound—that the "Christian Science Center" was a place where scientists (biologists, physicists, and the like) who were Christians all had office and lab space so they could work in a Christian environment. He didn't know anything about a religion called Christian Science, but he met a lot of kind, loving people, and he watched. He watched the way they treated each other. He was amazed at their calm in the midst of deadlines, world crises, technical breakdowns, and so forth. He thought it was interesting that they prayed before, and avoided, losing their cool, that they cared about being honest. Before long he realized he was truly working for a church, and he liked the people that he worked with.

Soon he developed some close friendships with his co-workers—visiting their homes, playing with their children, meeting their church friends. These people were fun. But most important, they loved. They weren't afraid to talk about God, Love, or the importance of spirituality in their lives. And they expressed great love and admiration for Christ Jesus. As individuals they were interesting, too. They were lawyers, publishers, singers, writers, electricians, mothers, students, and rock musicians.

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