I first became acquainted with Christian Science when I read the testimony section in a copy of The Herald of Christian Science; this part of the magazine was what most attracted my attention. I am grateful for the hope it gave me.
Today, many years later, I offer thanks to God for all the good I have learned through the study of this practical religion. We have had many healings, my family and I, both of physical difficulties and of lack of income. As well, human relationship problems have been resolved.
One of the healings that stands out was of a badly injured ankle, caused by a fall. The pain was intense, and I began praying immediately. I soon realized I needed to overcome the fear that I had broken a bone. I did not know for sure how badly I was injured, but I knew God was the only power with me, and that I could surrender to Him. After a few minutes of prayer, I could already walk around without limping much. Although we had just arrived at our beach house, my relatives did not even notice that anything was wrong.