One of the greatest blessings of my life was attending a Christian Science Sunday School, learning to call on God and trust His guidance. I have had numerous physical healings, including ones of back and knee injuries, skin problems, and digestive difficulties. But the healing that most clearly gave me an understanding of "God with us" came when we adopted our son.
My husband and I had been longing to have a child, and had prayed earnestly to recognize true family as an idea of God, always complete. Especially helpful was this statement: "Creation is ever appearing, and must ever continue to appear from the nature of its inexhaustible source" (Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 507). I was greatly blessed by reading accounts of women in the Bible who trusted God and proved that barrenness is no part of His creation. These were years of much spiritual growth and progress for me, but there were also periods of discouragement and doubt.
At one such time we made an appointment to visit a Christian Science practitioner. She encouraged us to cultivate an expectancy of good. As we said goodbye that day, she assured us that God's work was done, and that our family was even then complete in God. A few weeks later, she wrote a little note reassuring me of the completeness of the idea of family. We learned some months later that that was the same week the child was born whom we would adopt.