When I was about twelve years old, a friend invited me to attend a Christian Science Sunday School. I have been a student of Christian Science ever since. During many years the study of the Bible and Science and Health, and the application of the rules found therein, have never failed to meet my needs or those of our family of four. There have been physical healings, and we've prayed to have adequate income and guidance in finding right places to work, live, and go to school.
At the time our son was finishing high school, my husband became too ill to work. We found ourselves dependent upon our small savings. We had an understanding of what God is as the Father and Mother of His beloved children, and my husband chose to have the help of a practitioner, who worked to show us how to apply the spiritual truths found in Science and Health to meet each need. Many nights when I could not sleep I found comfort, understanding, and finally trust, in the following words from this textbook: "Step by step will those who trust Him find that 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble'" (p. 444), and also, "Working and praying with true motives, your Father will open the way" (p. 326).
It truly was a step-by-step process over a period of several years, in which it was necessary to affirm steadfastly that God provides everything man needs; that God is constantly giving spiritual ideas to sustain and support His sons and daughters; that each one hears these divine messages and obeys them.