It's a special experience for any writer to know that what he or she has written has helped another person. We receive a steady flow of correspondence from readers of the Christian Science periodicals telling about how much these publications have meant to them. And in support of the continuing work of the many dedicated Mother Church members who contribute to the periodicals, the familiar brochure "Your guide to writing for the periodicals" has proved to be very helpful.
Since we've learned that many of you now write on personal computers, we've supplemented the writer's guide with a computer program that explores in further detail some helpful points about writing for the periodicals.
If you've had at least one article published in the Christian Science periodicals within the last five years and also have access to an IBM personal computer (or IBM compatible), we'd be happy to lend you a copy of this program for your review. Now, we don't promise that this program will make you a writer, nor do we attempt to change your individual style or tell you what to write. But working with this program should provide you with some helpful general information about writing for the wide range of readers who turn to the pages of The Christian Science Journal, the Christian Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Christian Science in its various editions. And, we hope, it will be fun as well!