During the holiday season in 1992, when Christmas activities were at their height, I came home from bowling one Friday night feeling very tired. The next day there was a red spot on my leg, and a pain in my groin that just about incapacitated me. I had had this same condition when my fourth child was born, and was healed with the help of a Christian Science practitioner in Alberta.
I had planned on going for supper with a group of friends, and had made arrangements to be picked up. After talking with a practitioner and truly realizing that the man of God's creating cannot possibly be in a state of discord because he is created in God's own perfect image, I decided it was right to continue with my plans. This was based on the fact of God's great love for His creation.
I was reminded of a time when, in a situation of intense fear, the thought had come to me, in the words of Jacob, "The Lord is in this place; and I knew it not" (Gen. 28:16). Now I felt the same warmth of God's overwhelming love as I had previously, and knew I was being cherished. We are blessed by thoughts that God's love is ever near us and never leaves us. And thinking this way, I felt my fear just disappear. Although I was not yet fully well, I felt better and did go for supper.