I sit here today thinking how thankful I am for Christian Science. Through prayer I have had physical healings of a fractured pelvic bone, bee stings on my legs, and a severe fever that came after an overdose of immunization I was required to have before traveling.
I am also particularly grateful for our home. For over thirty years it has met our family's needs.
Here is how we came to live in it. Because it had seemed wise, after much prayer, for us to make a change in residence, we put our first house up for sale. After a short while it sold. During this same time, my husband left his job in an attempt to better himself with new employment. He had not realized there was a shortage of jobs in the work force, and did not find work for some time. We had been looking for another home, and when we contacted a Realtor about purchasing one we had become interested in, we found to our surprise that we could not obtain a mortgage because my husband was not employed (this was despite the fact that we had sufficient downpayment from the sale of our first home).