In Christendom, Easter has great significance. At Easter Christians commemorate the resurrection of Christ Jesus. The Master's victory over all obstacles, his triumphant emergence from the tomb on the third day after his enemies had attempted to kill him, provides the most powerful proof of the immortality of man.
The spiritual lessons of Easter, pondered and understood in the light of the teachings of Christian Science, show us our part in the resurrection.
The Christ is the power that enabled Jesus to overcome death and walk out of the tomb. Today this regenerating, saving power still operates in human consciousness. It uplifts our thoughts from the debasing belief of mortal existence, rolling away the "stone" of ignorance, arrogance, and apathy, and leading us out of the "tomb" of the belief of life in matter into a perception of the glory and liberty of spiritual existence. The Christ unfolds the power of Mind over matter, of good over evil, of Love over fear, and of Life over death.