I sometimes ask myself, What thoughts am I entertaining about Church? I know that what I cherish in thought has a direct bearing on what I see expressed. Welcoming within our hearts the fact that Church is a spiritual idea, not a physical structure, can mean that wherever we are, we take Church with us and can never be separated from it. We also see it expressed within our beloved brethren, who are precious in God's sight.
You may have been a church member of many year's standing; on the other hand, you may be considering joining a church for the first time. You could also be in a locality where there is no church you can attend, or perhaps you are part of a fledgling group starting a church. No matter, what is really important is the love and sincerity that lie behind your prayer, your most heartfelt desires, and your pure motives in cherishing Church. These are known to God and rewarded by Him. Did not our Master say, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them"? Matt. 18:20. Jesus did not specify large numbers or a particular location. Where Christ, Truth, is expressed, spiritual treasures flow in abundance, and Church is found.
The Christ must enter receptive hearts before it enters church buildings. The Christ is expressed in humility, gentleness, patience, and spiritual love. The Founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist, Mary Baker Eddy, writes succinctly, "Our proper reason for church edifices is, that in them Christians may worship God,—not that Christians may worship church edifices!" The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 162.