Christian Science heals permanently. Over fifty years ago I was confined to bed with a serious illness. After two major operations, I was left with the medical verdict that I would be a semi-invalid all my life. During this illness I began searching for the meaning of life, trying to find a God who would answer my questions. Whilst in hospital in another city, I asked various visiting clergymen about God, but was never satisfied with their answers. I could not believe in a God who would inflict pain and suffering on man to punish him or to bring him nearer to Himself or for any other inscrutable reason, no matter who said so.
On my return home from the hospital I felt sure there must be a method of healing that would restore health wholly and completely.
Then one day a friend of my mother's, whom I had not seen for years, came to visit. This friend's face glowed with such a radiance and love I instantly said, "I want what you have," and she replied, "Christian Science."