"The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword" (Heb. 4:12). This was proved to me recently when I was healed of a back problem. For several days I had been unable to straighten up, and moving about was painful. Sitting and rising were almost impossible and very painful.
Nonstop prayer had enabled me to fulfill my commitments for the weekend. And on Monday I was scheduled to serve in our Christian Science Reading Room. When Monday morning came I wondered if I should call for a substitute, as I felt that driving would be next to impossible.
But, still praying, I decided to exercise my God-given dominion and continue to be "about my Father's business" (Luke 2:49), as Christ Jesus put it. I drove some twelve miles to the Reading Room, and once there I began studying immediately The previous week's Lesson (found in the Christian Science Quarterly) had included these lines from Science and Health: "Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good. God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man" (p. 393). I prayed to understand better this and other passages from Science and Health and the Bible. I began reading the wonderful healings that Jesus performed and was reminded once again of how instant they were. I realized that this healing truth is available to each of us, for Jesus tells us, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father" (John 14:12).