Six months into my first job out of college, the man who had hired me passed on. I was left to my own resources, with little business savvy, undeveloped skills, and no supervisor. Though I was able to complete the work satisfactorily, I wasn't getting rave reviews. (And I was so used to receiving good grades in school!) It all seemed so unjust. I felt unsettled, un-cared for, and resentful.
Along with this irritated mental state, I began to experience internal bleeding, which continued for a period of months. I prayed diligently for God to show me what I needed to correct in my thinking, so that I might find release from the physical complaint. I felt confident that the condition would yield and remained free of fear.
The result was unexpected. The industry I was working in suffered a reverse. As low woman on the totem pole, I was laid off. I cheerfully finished my work and left to spend the next five weeks in daily spiritual study at the local Christian Science Reading Room. Naturally, I also took normal steps to secure another position. But my major effort during that time was invested in spiritual, rather than in human, searching.