After having experienced decades of healings and protection through prayer and God's never-ending love, it's time for me to express my gratitude to God, as well as for the teachings of Jesus Christ and the bountiful wisdom within the writings of Mary Baker Eddy.
Through study of the Bible and Science and Health, my children and I have been healed of colds, influenza, measles, chickenpox, and tonsillitis, as well as other ailments. Bones have been set without medical attention. Two automobile accidents that took place resulted in no injuries to anyone.
While developing land to prepare to build our home, we have been living in a small trailer. One chore has been to fell trees in order to make room to build. One afternoon recently, I was felling a fir that was about two feet through the trunk and about a hundred and twenty feet tall. I made the first cut with the chain saw so that the tree would fall directly away from the trailer forty feet away. Unfortunately, my back cut was incorrect: it was too high to meet the first cut and allow the tree to fall in the proper direction.