My son had a wonderful healing when he was three years old that illustrates that the true Father-Mother Love is ever available and can handle every emergency.
While playing on the monkey bars at his day-care center, my son fell, injuring his neck and shoulder. When the day care worker picked him up, she could tell something was out of place. Since I was out of my office and could not be reached, the day-care director followed my instructions regarding an emergency and called a Christian Science practitioner. After they had explained the situation to her, the practitioner said she would come to the day-care center. I am so grateful to her for doing this!
While they were waiting for the practitioner to arrive and still trying to reach me, my son's teacher sat down on the little cot where he was lying and started to talk to him about God's love for him. It turned out that my son's teacher had attended a Christian Science Sunday School for a while as a youngster and remembered the comforting assurance that God is Love. She later told me that she had not thought about this for a long time, but when she talked to the child to try to calm him down, this thought occurred to her to share with the boy. She said that she was amazed to see the immediate change that occurred in the child. He stopped crying and became more peaceful and less afraid. How grateful I am to realize that our children are never too young to start instruction in Christian Science. About two hours after the accident I was reached, and we were able to bring the child home.