A few years ago, when our first three children were still small, I learned I was expecting twins. This was the beginning of a wonderful time of spiritual growth and healing. Though it was tempting to share the news, it seemed wise to keep the prognosis of twins private, in order not to engage in a discussion of people's thoughts and fears of what could go wrong. I had been praying regularly with a Christian Science practitioner ever since I had first known I was pregnant. Her steady help was invaluable, and I am grateful for it. My study now broadened to help me better understand spiritual individuality. God's children are not created by twos, or multiples of any sort; each of His ideas is distinct, individual, complete. Science and Health points out: "Spirit diversifies, classifies, and individualizes all thoughts, which are as eternal as the Mind conceiving them; but the intelligence, existence, and continuity of all individuality remain in God, who is the divinely creative Principle thereof" (p. 513).
With little children at home, I was extremely active throughout this pregnancy. Around the seventh month, however, I felt so large I wondered how I could continue to grow another two months. I prayed to enlarge my concept of God, man, family, supply. I found that as I opened my thought to accepting whatever good came into my life, in whatever unexpected way, I grew in whatever ways were needed to accommodate it. Expansion is in thought. Later I was to learn that not only my body but my patience, my creativity, our house, our income, would expand in whatever way was needed. I prayed with a verse from Isaiah: "I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you" (46:4).
I rejoiced that these births had gone so harmoniously and virtually painlessly.