Can you have a relationship with God? How?—from an inquirer to the home page of the Church of Christ, Scientist
The wonderful thing is that your relation to God already exists! The question is not can you relate to God, but how can you see more clearly the unbreakable relation we each already have. Our relation to God is built into His nature and ours; as the Bible explains, God is our Parent, loving us, providing for us, and always with us. Exploring the Bible's spiritual message, Christian Science explains that God is our very Life, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. In the quiet listening of prayer, it is possible to discover more of what God is showing us of His nature and ours—of His love for us and His presence with us. This leads us to look at every aspect of our experience in the light of our relation to the one, infinite Spirit—to find out that we are actually God's spiritual offspring, and to express that relation to God in a loving and healing life.