"Never born and never dying, it were impossible for man, under the government of God in eternal Science, to fall from his high estate" (Science and Health, p. 258).
On a rainy Wednesday afternoon two weeks before Christmas, 1996, I proved this statement to be true. I stepped in a puddle on a slick concrete floor in a busy grocery store, slid, and fell. One leg completely stretched to one side, resulting in a "split," a feat I had never accomplished as a young woman, much less as a senior citizen. In attempting to get up I experienced great pain. So I remained on the floor for a few minutes, praying. I reassured the produce manager, who had arrived on the scene, that I was all right. My husband and I had immediately turned to prayer, declaring God's presence and help.
Then, with my husband's help and the support of a shopping cart, I was able to get up. I leaned on the wall until a chair was provided by an employee. I was concerned about being able to get home without causing a stir by calling for emergency assistance. God's guidance was immediate. We called two of our grown sons; and I shall never forget their tender, loving expressions as they promptly arrived. With their help, I was taken home without commotion.