We often take our mobility very much for granted. But, when it is taken from us, we realize how precious that reflection of omniaction is. One night I had a serious fall and found myself unable to rise. I could not move my leg without severe pain. My dear husband, who is also a Christian Scientist, immediately called a Christian Science practitioner, who assured me that I could not pull away from God.
However, I continued to be bedridden. During this period I prayed diligently, using the Concordances to Mary Baker Eddy's writings to look up passages relating to words such as stand, standing, walk, and walking. But before the healing took place, it seemed that I had much progress to make—especially in the areas of patience, gratitude, compassion for others, perseverance, and diligence.
During this period, my husband was steadfast and helpful in caring for all my needs. However, after about the fifth day when he had to leave the house, great fear engulfed me. And then I thought of a children's story about a locomotive that pulled the train over the hill by being persistent and certain of the outcome.