When in 1867 Mary Baker Eddy first began to take pupils in order to teach them the Science of Christ, she taught from the Bible and she also turned these students to the Scriptures. Today, the Christian Science Quarterly Weekly Bible Lessons, whose topics she chose, fulfill a major role in helping anyone who studies them stay close to the Bible and explore its healing spiritual meaning. This series offers some brief notes on the evolution of these Lessons.
August 1888 The Christian Science Journal from August 1888 through March 1889 again published "Bible Lessons," but unlike those in the period 1884-1886, they were not authored by Mary Baker Eddy. Rather, they were based on the "Uniform Series International Sunday-School Bible Lessons" being used by various Protestant denominations. Now, however, surrounding the Bible texts were notes and discussion prepared by a Christian Scientist, Frank E. Mason, C. S. B., who was serving as Assistant Pastor of the Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston.
In the June 1888 Journal, under the heading "Bible Lessons," Mr. Mason had written: "In the July number of our Journal, and in each subsequent issue, will appear Notes on the International Sunday-school Lessons, written from a Christian Science standpoint.... These notes are issued at the request of our beloved Teacher and Pastor, Rev. M. B. G. Eddy. The object is to avoid conflict of ideas, and establish unity of thought.... The central thoughts suggested will assist you in thrusting out a little from the old and more material way of thinking." Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3 (June 1888), pp. 152-153. (This new feature actually did not appear until the August 1888 issue.)