These words in Isaiah are stirring: "Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people." Isa. 62:10 The Christian Science Monitor has lifted up "a standard for the people." It provides for informed and alert citizens and brings a healing and purifying thought to households and individuals worldwide. Its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, had a love for all mankind that was broad and expansive.
She writes, "It shall be the privilege and duty of every member, who can afford it, to subscribe for the periodicals which are the organs of this Church...." Manual of The Mother Church, Art. VIII, Sect. 14
My parents both subscribed to and read their own individual copies of the periodicals. Eventually my sister and I and our husbands did also. This was not always easy from a financial standpoint, but to us those "who can afford it" meant a matter of priority rather than of income. On our parents' passing, their subscriptions to all the periodicals were given to others instead of being canceled. When our husbands passed away, my sister and I did the same with their subscriptions.