The distances between a faltering belief in God and a trustful faith, and between faith and confident understanding, may seem long. Yet each step toward understanding is important.
For instance, if we get just a glimpse that God, Love, really loves us, something wonderful happens. Instead of questioning whether good can endure, we begin to question the validity of whatever miserable situation has been bothering us. Also, when we feel loved by God, we naturally love others much more. When Love, expressed, suddenly destroys the symptoms of illness, we have experienced a small recognition of Truth. We see that with each spiritual awakening more of God's goodness is evident in our lives, and we are comprehending how healing takes place.
This has been true in my own experience. Through the years I have had many wonderful healings. There have been healings of frightening fevers and infestations, healings of discomforts that never had a name. Some healings came with help from a Christian Science practitioner; others from my own prayer and study. Each victory built confidence, more stability, and greater expectation of good. Yet the more I learn and prove, the more I feel the need to keep learning and understanding, to challenge long accepted limitations.