One day when I went to pay my rent, three men followed me. I sensed that they intended to rob me. So I began silently repeating Psalm 91, which I always find so inspiring. I insisted that I was protected under the wings of God, who is the Omnipotent; and that Christ, the spiritual idea of God that Jesus taught, was with me. I took the bus and these men got in too. I kept on praying until I got to my stop, but the men followed me off the bus and began chasing me.
I was able to get to the office where I pay my rent, but when I came out, the men were waiting for me. Then they followed me on the way home. I repeated the Lord's Prayer in my mind, and opened the issue of The Herald of Christian Science that I had with me, and began reading. I insisted to myself that, in God's eyes, these men were His perfect and loving children. As I prayed this way, I began to regain my understanding that all really is Mind—God. The thought came to me to keep my sight fixed on Mind. Suddenly, one of the men said, "Come on, let's get out, there is no work here." And they got out of the bus.
For me this experience was such an eye opener, because it really helped me to understand a little more that God is always present and cares for us, and others.