I would like to thank the authors and you for the articles in your October issue on the topic of "Love reaches and heals drug abuse." ... The past year I have been working as a physician in a team of health professionals in the Vancouver Detox Centre. This Detox provides services to alcoholics and drug addicts in the Vancouver area. About one third of our clients are from the infamous downtown East Side of Vancouver. Christian Science literature is essential for me to overcome my fears, self-righteousness, intolerance, impatience, and discouragement, which can so easily raise their ugly heads in a job such as this.
... As well, my medical skills are enhanced with wisdom, precision, calm, and the ability to "divest thought of false trusts and material evidences in order that the spiritual facts of being may appear" (Science and Health, p. 428). This happens sometimes quickly and sometime slowly. During the year I have seen many good changes in myself, the staff, and the clients. There have been physical improvements, such as new equipment and a new coat of paint, all of which are evidence to me of the power of Christian Science.
Thank you so very much for the timely articles provided in The Christian Science Journal.