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Testimonies of Healing

No longer afraid to fly

From the February 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As A Child I had many fears that later became phobias. As I entered adulthood, I found that I was terrified of flying.

I had only flown a few times in the past, but soon after I was married, my husband and I took a trip to Yellowstone National Park in the western United States. This trip required several flights, including one on a turboprop through the Tetons into Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I made it through the trip there, but when it was time to go home, I begged my husband to drive—a distance of 2000 miles.

I cried so much that my father-in-law wanted to drive me himself. My mother-in-law, a lifelong Christian Scientist, whispered this reassurance in my ear: "God is Love.' More than this we cannot ask, higher we cannot look, farther we cannot go" (Science and Health, p. 6). I held onto this one statement throughout the long, turbulent flight home. At that point I was grateful to have made it through the trip. But I did not want to fly again.

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