Have you noticed how often references to age and aging occur in print or in conversation? Promotions for assisted living and retirement facilities, commercials about being tested for possible impairment or loss of faculties, and blunt questions about one's age keep bringing this subject up. According to today's media, age is nothing but a nuisance—and a blight.
Mary Baker Eddy challenged these conceptions about age—and the concept of aging itself—when she asserted, "Man in Science is neither young nor old." Science and Health, p. 244. Why is this true? Because man—and that term includes both men and women—is actually the idea of God, His perfect reflection. No one ever thinks of God as growing old. Why then would His ideas? It's actually impossible, because God and His creation coexist as Mind and its idea.
One of the negative notions aggressively presented by advertising and in other ways is that the passage of years results in impairment or loss of faculties. Many people believe that this is inevitable. But God, who is wholly good, made no such decree. Divine Mind is all-knowing, all-seeing, all-hearing, all-acting—the source of all ability—and each individual, as God's idea, has full access to these unlimited faculties. An unshakable trust in this spiritual reality and a genuine commitment to thinking of oneself in spiritual terms remove limitation and restore proper functioning.