Anyone who has seen the mobs of reporters that follow celebrities and politicians knows that the press can be an overwhelming presence. Take a moment—and a bit of poetic license—to imagine what it would have been like to be a reporter in Jesus' time and to be covering the "Jesus beat."
IT ISN'T EASY getting access to this teacher and healer. He's mostly interested in healing people, and there's no lack of people to heal. His followers urge me to listen to his sermons. But let's face it, healing is where the story is.
One day he came into Capernaum1 and those of us in the press followed along, hoping for a good story. Pretty soon the crowd gathered so deep that no one could get through, not even four men who wanted to get a sick man to Jesus so he could be healed. I have to admit that I'd almost written the lead for "the healing that couldn't be done" when an amazing thing happened.