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Testimonies of Healing

Safe in an out-of-control car

From the February 2004 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My Wife was going out of town on business for a week, and we wanted to spend some time with each other before she left, so we planned on meeting for lunch. Knowing how hectic her business life is, I packed her a lunch just in case something happened. Something did happen, but it's not what I expected.

As I was driving along the freeway to meet her, my mental focus was soon shattered by a loud crash as my car began to move sideways. Someone had hit me hard from behind. I was now spinning in circles in the middle of four lanes of highway traffic. As I was facing the other cars head-on, I thought, "You've gotten out of a lot of tight spots, but never one like this!"

As cars passed on the right, my car spun to the left, and as they passed on the left, my car spun to the right. Throughout this experience, I felt my Father-Mother God reassuring me. Like when a parent reassures a child with "I've got you." That is what helped me know everyone there was being protected. This all happened faster than I could even think the words. My car finished spinning, stalled, and finally came to rest parallel to a wall. Despite the heavy traffic, no one else hit me.

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