The man in the produce department of my local grocery store asked, "Is that your little brother?"—referring to the four-year-old grandson sitting in my grocery cart. Before I knew it, I almost said, "Yes." Not that I meant to be untruthful, but I'd been praying for many days to see more clearly that God is the Parent of all. And so for a split second, I actually was seeing my grandson as a brother. This was a big step forward for me.
Just a few days before, I'd been very concerned about a decision this boy's parents were considering that would affect their whole family. To my way of thinking, it just didn't seem like the right thing to do. So I prayed diligently to see God's hand in their decision and also to see that only God's will could be done—not their will, not my own.
The whole family could count on God's guidance—not mine—to reach the best decision.