"CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?" From family members at a holiday gathering suddenly turned fractious, to negotiators at a nuclear disarmament summit lobbying for cooler heads, the plea echoes and reechoes.
But it doesn't have to go unanswered. In fact, healing responses stand closer at hand than one might guess. This question—"Can't we all just get along"—has its answer in another question. "Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us?"1 asked the prophet Malachi. That's the basis for getting along. That's the basis for family harmony and for harmony in the whole human family. We have one Father, one Creator, one source, one God. The designer of all things conceived of a creation that's as in harmony with itself as the Creator is in harmony with Himself. No internal split, rivalry, misunderstanding, or rejection in the Father equals none of those things in His image and likeness. And that's what His offspring are—the image and likeness of God. In fact, God's whole creation is simply the evidence, the showing forth, or reflection, of His being.
So it's natural to see this pattern of divine harmony realized and lived by ordinary people, people trying to do the right thing. It's natural to glimpse that the Creator's design is one of seamless accord. With every glimpse, people edge toward experiencing more harmony. They find that harmony is more natural than petty jealousies, emotional outbursts, or stony silences. No matter how commonly those crop up, they aren't native. They don't really fit God's offspring, don't really fit you or me. As these facts come into focus, living in greater accord with one another starts to feel more attainable. Why? Because, whether we realize it or not, we're getting to know God better. And in knowing Him, the very substance of our brotherhood and sisterhood is coming to light.