All the articles in the May Journal were so beautifully written. Each contributor expressed the healing truths we readers are all searching for. How grateful I am to Mary Baker Eddy for providing a monthly publication for all to share. The articles about creativity were most inspiring. On the topic of "joy" [p. 43], Nathalie Dupree wrote: "Cooking for me is all about joy. You have rhythm, spontaneity, color, variety—all the God-derived qualities, the whole spectrum. It involves all of your senses, but that's enhanced by the spiritual sense of things." Since reading her article, I am striving to express more gratitude concerning kitchen activities.
My thanks to the Journal for bringing up the subject of vegetarianism [May, p. 8]. Mary Baker Eddy has given me food for thought in this statement from Science and Health: "Tenderness accompanies all the might imparted by Spirit. The individuality created by God is not carnivorous ..." (p. 514). And the prophet Isaiah envisioned the time when even "... the lion shall eat straw like the ox" (Isa. 11:7).