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From the January 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Jesus sent his disciples out on their ministry, he told them to heal the sick. What I love about this command is that he confidently expected that they could do it!

I can recall when the desire to enter the public practice of Christian Science healing came to me shortly after college. I had grown up studying this Science and was happy to turn to God when I was sick or had other health needs. As I continued to study Christian Science, the impact of this spiritual Truth became so great, I realized that the full-time healing work was the path I wanted to take. Having experienced God's power in my own life, I wanted to take the next step and do what Jesus told his followers to do: heal others through divine power.

What especially inspired me was a statement in Mary Baker Eddy's letter to James Neal, a young man who himself had just entered the full-time healing work. She wrote, "A real scientific Healer is the highest position attainable in this sphere of being" (Robert Peel, Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Authority, p.101). I thought about what she meant by the phrase "a real scientific Healer." To me it meant discerning more of what Jesus saw when he was helping those who needed healing. It meant replacing the material appearance of physical ills and other troubles with the spiritual view of man that would heal those in need. In other words, getting below the surface of things, and finding the real source of health and well-being.

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