I HAD MADE what I thought would be a routine visit to the Registry of Motor Vehicles to renew my driver's license, as I'd done since I got my first license in 1934. Only this time, I didn't pass my eye exam, and I would now need to wear glasses while driving.
This can't be, I thought. I was surprised because I had learned through years of studying Christian Science and applying its teachings to my daily life that I'm God's child, His image, as the Bible states. And it only made sense that God's image—His spiritual reflection —shouldn't need to use a material aid like glasses. So I refused to accept deficient sight as a reality of my God-created identity. I did, of course, go ahead and get the glasses to satisfy the law, but also with the thought that I would need them only temporarily.
The years went on, and I must admit I gave only occasional thought to the possibility of expecting a healing of my poor vision. But wearing glasses was becoming more and more annoying. I was constantly taking them on and off and misplacing them. One day I heard the "still small voice" (I Kings 19:12) of God in my thinking tell me, in effect, "If these glasses are such a nuisance, why don't you get busy and do something about it?" So that's when I really buckled down to pray.