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From the April 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

O tender, loving Shepherd,
We long to follow thee,
To follow where thou leadest,
Though rough the path may be;
Though dark and heavy shadows
Enshroud the way with gloom,
We know that Love will guide us,
And safely lead us home.

We know, beloved Shepherd,
The path that thou has trod
Leads ever out of darkness,
And on and up to God.
If from that path we wander,
And far astray we roam,
O, call us, faithful Shepherd,
And bring us safely home.

Throughout the way, dear Shepherd,
Thy strong hand doth uphold;
The weary ones, at nightfall,
Thou gently dost enfold.
And when to Truth's green pastures
With joy at length we come,
There shall we find, O Shepherd,
Our blest, eternal home.

—Christian Science Hymnal, No. 245

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