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In these pages we've gathered several shorter items—articles of less than a page in length and excerpts from longer manuscripts that offer useful, inspiring insights. We hope you enjoy this kind of short-form nourishment in each issue.


From the October 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN A CLOSE family member had found it hard to fall pregnant, she felt helpless, and there were monthly disappointments and bitter tears. For my own peace, I began to pray to get a better understanding of God as Life and Love (two names for God found in the Bible).

I asked a Christian Science practitioner to help me. Together we recognized that God, infinite Love, couldn't and didn't punish. And that no parent could be deprived of his or her joy.

A couple of Sundays later, I listened in church to the song titled "Jairus' Daughter" from Susan Mack's CD, "Sweet Sacred Solos." The words jumped out of the CD player and hit me fair and square. Describing Jesus' healing of the daughter, she sang, "And he wrapped her up in the arms of God's love, and he showed her she was whole." That was it! Crystal clear! The parents (this family member and her husband) were also whole—complete, perfect—right now. There was nothing missing in them, nothing to be "fixed." That was what Jesus must have seen in Jairus' daughter when others saw death. Jesus saw the whole, complete, perfect, ever-present expression of Life, God. God was Jairus' daughter's life because God is infinite Life, the only Life. The daughter couldn't get outside of this Life.

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