OVER A YEAR AGO, a deep woundlike sore developed on my leg and persisted. As a golfer in the South, I was embarrassed by not being able to wear shorts for two golfing seasons. During this time, I gave myself desultory Christian Science treatments, but the sore only seemed to worsen. Then, during a visit with a close Christian Science friend, she inquired about it. Though I had been an active church member for many years, I had gotten into a spiritual rut, feeling burdened by church participation and blase about life in general. This friend, on the other hand, had just returned to regular church attendance after years of caretaking of her husband, and was ablaze with love for Christian Science and Church. I asked her to pray for me, and she gave me some thoughts to work with from Mary Baker Eddy's Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896. Two days later, the sore had healed, disappearing completely.
Before this healing occurred, I was reluctant to call a Christian Science practitioner or a fellow church member to help me pray. Previously, I felt that I had to consult a vastly more experienced teacher of Christian Science in order to be healed. I realized this was not the case. After this healing, I also no longer hesitated to call Christian Science practitioners due to paying their costs—an underlying concern that I uncovered in my thought—because I realized that I was expressing spiritual gratitude by doing so. Lastly, this healing also rekindled my natural joy and excitement about sharing Christian Science with others.