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A Society's Good News

From the July 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WE HAVE A NEW NAME! After nearly 100 years of being First Church of Christ, Scientist, we're now the Christian Science Society of Waukesha, Wisconsin.

We love that the Church Manual identifies both churches and societies as branches of The Mother Church. Being branches of the same tree, The Mother Church, we all produce the same leaves for the same purpose: "The healing of the nations" (Rev. 22:2). A society is no mere shrub, separate from the main tree, it's a vital branch!

So how did we get here? Our church records say the first Christian Science service in Waukesha was held in 1890 in the parlor of Adella Johnson's home after she was healed by Christian Science treatment of a severe spinal disease that doctors couldn't cure. A group of six attended that first service at 232 Barney Street, which grew into a society in 1900, then a branch church in 1926—each step built with the love and healing work of its members.

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