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Change in Editor of the Christian Science periodicals

From the August 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With his heart full of gratitude for more than 40 years of service to The Mother Church and The Christian Science Publishing Society, Bill Dawley resigned his position as Editor of the Christian Science periodicals, effective June 6, Annual Meeting Day, to dedicate full time to the healing practice he loves so much.

First hired by The Christian Science Monitor in 1968 as copy editor for the sports page, Bill later worked for the Monitor in various positions, including as a newscaster for the World Service of The Christian Science Monitor. Later, he served as Assistant Manager of the Church History Department. For the last 19 years he’s devoted his talents to The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Herald—as Features Editor, as Managing Editor for the Heralds, and as Editor since 2003. During that time he coauthored The Reforming Power of the Scriptures with Mary Trammell, and became a Christian Science practitioner. As Editor, Bill has emphasized journalistic professionalism, nurtured a corps of new writers from around the world, and brought fresh focus to the subjects of practice and Church.

We’re delighted and deeply grateful to announce that the new Editor will be Dorothy Estes, C.S.B., of Sacramento, California. Dorothy is well known and loved in the Christian Science Field worldwide. A Christian Science practitioner since 1988, she’s served as a key communicator for The Mother Church and The Christian Science Publishing Society since 1996, interacting extensively with both members and the public. Beginning with a stint at the Clerk’s Office, where she launched e-mail correspondence with members, she eventually was appointed Manager of Quality Control for the Customer Contact Center, sometimes working 20-hour days handling calls and e-mails for the whole Church organization and Publishing Society. In 2006, the Journal, deeply appreciative of the numerous articles Dorothy had written over the years for the periodicals, tapped her as a staff editor. In that position, she skillfully coached and edited many contributors until late 2009, when she moved to Sacramento and took Normal class instruction to become a Christian Science teacher. Since October of last year, Dorothy has loved working remotely as an Online Editor for Church Alive. 

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