Q: What if one has a desire to devote more time to the Christian Science healing practice but is struggling to find the time?
A: Instead of thinking of going into the healing practice as a process, simply begin to practice. Let your love for God and humanity overcome the fear of lack of time or ability. The practice has nothing to do with time. Instead, it can be understood as how we live our life, how we approach our day.
If we have the desire to practice Christian Science for others, often what St. Paul termed “the carnal mind” tries to keep us from that purpose and suggests that you can devote more time when your family is grown, or when you retire. The thought that “I will do it one day” is the carnal mind’s way to keep you from experiencing the salvation that the healing practice brings now. It is not unlike the fatal theological belief that we will get to heaven in the “sweet bye and bye.” Just as the kingdom of heaven is here and always present, so putting into practice the spiritual facts of the kingdom of heaven is ours to do for ourselves and others today. Why should we put off doing what will bless us?