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Testimonies of Healing

Persistent arm pain healed

From the December 2012 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I arrived in Boston to take Christian Science class instruction, everything was fine until I settled in bed for the night. Then I started feeling pain in my right arm, from my shoulder to my hand and fingers. My first thought was that the pain was caused by my long day traveling and pulling my luggage up and down the escalators to find the gate where I was to board the bus to my destination. 

I assumed the pain would be gone by the next day, so I ignored it and tried to sleep. The next day the pain was still lingering, and I even found it uncomfortable to hold my toothbrush. I still ignored it, assuring myself that it would go away once I started the class. However, the pain did not stop through the entire period of two weeks. I tried not to think about it. 

When I got home from the trip, I had to move to another apartment. My daughter had arrived from college, so she did all the moving for me. I thought once I was settled in the new apartment and my thoughts were calm, the pain would stop—but it did not. Though I wasn’t praying specifically to heal the pain, all this time I was doing daily prayerful work, knowing that I was a child of God. I studied the Christian Science Bible Lesson regularly and went to work and did all of my duties without complaining and without telling anyone what I was going through.

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