One evening I challenged a good friend to a wrestling match. A second or two into the match I found myself on the floor and heard a snapping sound in my shoulder and ribs.
My first thought was, “Get up, and shake this off.” But I was barely able to move my arm and shoulder without excruciating pain. I called a Christian Science practitioner, who asked me to deeply consider my oneness with God. I spent that night awake, listening for what divine Love, God, had to say to me. I remember wanting to feel close to God at that moment, and I put that desire into a prayer with the expectation that an answer would come. The night was calm and the fears melted, although the pain and swelling did not.
For the next couple of days, the only thing I could do without the distraction of pain was to walk. So, I would walk by a lake for hours, immersed in prayer. I felt that I was walking with God, with Love, every step. There was no relief from the pain or swelling, but I felt I was being spiritually rejuvenated with an expanding knowledge of God, the great “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14) and of my relationship to Him.