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Spiritual Short

Divine law supports spiritual growth

From the May 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In my practice of Christian Science, I have found that divine law has been a bulwark to my spiritual progress. The very nature of this law is its universality, impartiality, and immutability. By praying earnestly to God for a greater understanding of the specific spiritual law to meet my particular need—and the recognition that this law is, right now, at work throughout all creation—I have felt great spiritual support in my quest for healing. 

Many times when confronted with pain, I have experienced a gentle uplifting of thought as this increased sense of oneness with divine law brought with it a concomitant oneness with God and with it, the rapid dissolution and elimination of the pain. 

I’ve also found that by identifying progress with spiritual law, we can do much to strengthen the Christian Science movement and propel it forward. As Mary Baker Eddy writes, “… progress is the law of God, whose law demands of us only what we can certainly fulfil” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 233). 

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