Everyone has a calling. We might describe our calling as our job, an interest that inspires us, or a special skill that makes us valuable to others. Maybe we don’t know what our calling is, other than to get up and face the day!
Whatever we do for work or pleasure, each of us is called to serve God and our fellow man. This calling is lifelong. No one can take our place or do it for us. We may arrive slowly or quickly at our mission to live a life of service, but it will happen.
It is inevitable and natural for us to love and serve God, because we are His creation. When we feel the stirring to do God’s will and to give more of ourselves to others, we are really coming into our own—getting to know our true spiritual nature. It is deeply satisfying to know that we have a purpose, and that God approves of who we are. The more we learn that we are divine Love’s spiritual expression, the nearer we are to living our calling.