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Testimonies of Healing

Healing of symptoms of asthma

From the October 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was young, I always had trouble breathing when the fog rolled in where I lived in Santa Monica, California. While the condition wasn’t diagnosed, the symptoms were consistent with asthma attacks. They would usually pass within a day or so, after I stopped all physical activity or got a good night’s sleep.

But one summer when I was about 13, I had more trouble breathing than usual. In fact, it got to the point one day where I couldn’t lie down to sleep, and I couldn’t eat.

My cousin was visiting at the time, and he suggested that my mother call a Christian Science practitioner for Christian Science treatment. The practitioner she called was my Sunday School teacher at the time, and an excellent one. When she asked to speak with me, I began to cry, for reasons I don’t remember, and the practitioner said she’d drive over to our house.

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