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Letters & Conversations


From the May 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have just finished reading Jeff Ward-Bailey’s helpful interview with John Yemma in the February issue of the Journal, and have rarely seen such a clear explanation of The Christian Science Monitor’s mission in the world and how it is fulfilling it. I appreciated his explanations about the Monitor’s pioneering entrance into digital journalism, which I applaud, and the power and the responsibility our new Internet world puts into the hands of the individual. His final quote is from Mary Baker Eddy’s Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, “Reflecting God’s government, man is self governed” (p. 125).

The whole article reinforces what seems to me to be the central thrust of all that is going on in the world today, and that is the understanding that the only government is self-government under God’s laws. Human progress is about the achievement of that self-government. The Christian Science Publishing Society is making a huge and perhaps unrecognized contribution to that end, and we are grateful for all who contribute to it.

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