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Testimonies of Healing

Quick healing from burn

From the May 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I would like to give gratitude for a recent quick healing that occurred this January. My wife and I were making dinner, and we were in a bit of a hurry. One of the things we were preparing that evening was baked potatoes, which we put on steel skewers so that they would cook evenly. Once the potatoes were done, we began taking them out of the oven. Usually I am very good at being aware and having hot-pads on my hands, but in a hurried moment I reached down to move the skewer, forgetting that it was still hot, and I immediately burned my thumb.

However, just as quickly as I moved my hand away, I turned to God in prayer. I closed my eyes and stood still, praying to know that I had no reason to be afraid of hot matter as it had no power over God, Spirit. I focused on the idea that Spirit is infinite and good, and there was no place I could go, be, or touch that was ever really outside of Spirit’s kingdom. Therefore, I was safe. There wasn’t something, some power, or some temperature, that was dangerous within Spirit’s kingdom that could harm or burn me.

Besides praying about the burned thumb, I gave the idea of “burning” some thought. I affirmed that there was no power that could bring shame or indignation on me; that there were no mistakes burned into my being or permanently made a part of me because of human history. I also prayed about others, knowing that there is no power outside of God, good, that could shame me, my family, or my church in any way. I understood that no matter-based concept or impetus could be a scarring force.

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