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Mary Baker Eddy and her lecturers

From the May 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Mary Baker Eddy Library’s research programs are designed to support original contributions to scholarship and help further research by established scholars, graduate students, and recent graduates beginning their academic careers. The Library awards fellowships to academic scholars and independent researchers for research in its collections, which center on the papers of Mary Baker Eddy and records documenting the history of the Christian Science movement.

Paul Stob is one of those scholars. An Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Vanderbilt University, he is writing a book titled Intellectual Populism in American Thought and Culture, 1875–1915, which will include a chapter on Mary Baker Eddy’s lectures and the early decades of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. He shared with the Journal’s Rosalie E. Dunbar his reasons for the research and what he discovered while doing it.

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