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Of Good Report

Anger transformed—at the Reading Room

From the September 2015 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recently, a gentleman in great distress came into our Christian Science Reading Room. He needed prayer, food, and money for the bus. To that end, he showed me his veteran’s ID card, stated that he belonged to a local American Indian culture, and explained that he was hitchhiking home from New Mexico to Arizona. 

I stayed still and just listened—not to his ranting, but to our Father-Mother God, the source of all goodness.

While he expressed anger about a lack of respect for military vets and about the land taken from native peoples, I silently claimed his true identity as Mind’s perfect and beloved idea, the image and likeness of God, never for one moment separated from divine Love. His recommendation was that we all needed to wake up and not abuse ourselves with drink, drugs, and disgraceful behavior. 

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